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Aaron Plotkin - Certified Personal Trainer

Personal Training & Nutrition Programming

Meet Aaron

When it comes to your fitness journey, you shouldn’t have to settle for a cookie-cutter approach. That’s why Aaron Plotkin at Crom Fitness is proud to offer:
  • One on one personal training
  • Completely customized online nutrition coaching designed specifically for you and your goals
With over 12 years of personal training experience, he will set you up for success with a personalized fitness routine, customized nutrition coaching and hands-on instruction that can help you see real results in no time.

As a competitive bodybuilder himself, Aaron specializes in working with other bodybuilders as well as lifestyle clients. He has worked with many clients over the years ranging from those looking to lose weight, build muscle and strength, compete in bodybuilding as well as those looking to come back from injuries or overcome health issues.

With all the information out there it’s easy to get overwhelmed and be stuck trying to figure out what will work and what won’t.

2022 NPC East Coast Cup

Classic Physique 1st Place

 What can you expect from working with Aaron?

  • Ensure you’re maximizing your time in the gym
  • Learn how to properly execute various exercises to optimize your results while reducing risk of injury
  • No longer feel like you are spinning your wheels; not making progress
  • Achieve sustainable results
  • Become stronger, healthier and enjoy improved quality of life and confidence through fitness
  • Learn how to properly feed your body to successfully achieve the results you want through 100% personalized nutrition planning 

Whether you’re looking to lose weight, build muscle, get stronger, pursue bodybuilding or just improve your overall health and fitness, Aaron can help you achieve your goals in an efficient and sustainable way.

Please note that all one-on-one training packages require an active gym membership at Crom Fitness.

For more information about all the services Aaron has available as well as current rates and package deals, please email directly at:

Or call/text 603-852-8498


One on one in-person training and online coaching

Online Coaching

Nutrition is a vital component in achieving your results in the gym and optimizing your health. 

Accelerate your results with a completely customized progressive meal plan and training program.

Learn how to properly fuel your body to attain sustainable results without the use of crash dieting or fad diets.

Weekly check ins to ensure continued progress and success

$300 for 3 months

$500 for 6 months

Online plans are pre-paid.

In-Person Training

One on one personal training tailored specifically for your body and your goals

Learn proper form and execution to optimize results and minimize risk of injury

This is a great option for those who are either new to the gym, looking to lose weight and get in shape as well as those looking to optimize lean muscle growth or strength gains.

All in person clients must have active membership at Crom Gym. For more information please visit 

$65 per 55-minute session

$550 for (10) 55-minute sessions

$2400 for (50) 55-minute sessions

Session packages are pre-paid.

Bodybuilding Competitor

Offseason & contest prep

For those looking to take their physique to the next level. 

Completely customized progressive meal plan

Detailed training program design 

Supplement recommendations 

Weekly check ins

Please inquire for contest prep pricing.

Client Testimonials

He has my back.

“Weight loss aside, working with Aaron the last year has been LITERALLY life changing. Every single aspect of my life has completely transformed. In the last year, I’ve lost 91 pounds - but the weight isn’t what’s been so transformative. My body AND mind are now HEALTHY! I went from having zero self-esteem to actually being proud of myself. I hated my body, the way I looked, I hated the skin I was in. Fast forward a year of consistency and following Aaron’s plan - I feel proud for who I am and what I’ve been able to accomplish. Truly, I didn’t believe in myself - but Aaron did. Every single step of the way, Aaron was there. I said the goals we were setting were never going to happen, I wouldn’t be able to do it, but he knew me better than I knew myself. He gets more excited for my accomplishments than I do! 

People ask me all the time if hiring a trainer is “worth it”. I can only answer for myself - hiring Aaron was worth it for me, 100%. You have to ask yourself if you’re ready to hire a trainer, because of course it will be worth it. You’ve got to be willing to be consistent and dedicated to YOURSELF. 

Be consistent. Trust the process. Listen to Aaron. He’s ready, are you?"


Congrats, Emily!

Since Emily's last testimonial, she CRUSHED her first ever power-lifting competition, and set the state records for bench, squat, AND deadlift in her age/weight class - winning 1st place in her submasters division.

Emily's 1 YEAR update:

Weight loss aside, working with Aaron the last year has been LITERALLY life changing. Every single aspect of my life has completely transformed. In the last year, I’ve lost 86 pounds - but the weight isn’t what’s been so transformative. My body AND mind are now HEALTHY! I went from having zero self-esteem to actually being proud of myself. I hated my body, the way I looked, I hated the skin I was in. Fast forward a year of consistency and following Aaron’s plan - I feel proud for who I am and what I’ve been able to accomplish. Truly, I didn’t believe in myself - but Aaron did. Every single step of the way, Aaron was there. I said the goals we were setting were never going to happen, I wouldn’t be able to do it, but he knew me better than I knew myself. He gets more excited for my accomplishments than I do! 

People ask me all the time if hiring a trainer is “worth it”. I can only answer for myself - hiring Aaron was worth it for me, 100%.  You have to ask yourself if you’re ready to hire a trainer, because of course it will be worth it. You’ve got to be willing to be consistent and dedicated to YOURSELF. 

Be consistent. Trust the process. Listen to Aaron. He’s ready, are you?


THANK YOU @plotkintrained for turning me into mini beast!

“Despite my crazzzzy life and the need for junk, you keep me level headed and I'm always learning from you.

Truck driver full time, mom full time, wife and all the things in between, I make sure I do this for myself. I can't be my best for everyone else if I don't take care of my physical and mental health. Having the correct guidance and support from my coach has relieved so much of the guess work.

If you're on the fence, I promise it's worth reaching out and chatting with Aaron."


You can achieve anything.

I've been officially training with Aaron since the beginning of October 2022. However I've known Aaron for approximately 14 years.

When I started working with Aaron, I weighed 194lbs at ~27%BF. I've since seen a drop to as far as 148lbs at ~12% BF. Yes, you read that right. I haven't seen numbers like those since I was a teenager! To be honest, it's still hard to believe how far I've come. However the scale, pictures, and positive comments from friends and family prove otherwise.

I met Aaron when I was at my heaviest, which was 260lbs and what I could only assume to be in the high 30s if not low/mid 40s for BF%. Aaron and I would train daily. I learned a lot from him due to his style of teaching and frankly his passion for fitness in general. Since then, even so many years later, his style of teaching, dedication, and commitment to those he trains has clearly only gotten stronger and more refined.

Over the years, I dove into the science behind supplementation and nutrition as I find the science to be very interesting. Paired with my love of fitness in general, I was able to drop to a weight of 184lbs in 2017. From that point onward, I yo-yo'd between 190lbs and 210lbs. Call it COVID, laziness, excuses, whatever.... I wasn't happy with myself or where I was overall.

In October 2022, I saw Aaron post that he was the 2022 NPC East Coast Cup Classic Physique Class C winner, which I couldn't wait to tell him congratulations. When I first met Aaron, he always dreamed of winning bodybuilding competitions. Given the fact he has achieved yet one of his many goals, this being one of the most significant, it was literally at that point I contacted him for help. I can confidently say that what I have been trying to accomplish over the course of years only took me a matter of months to achieve as a result of training with Aaron.

Initially the personal goals I wanted to meet all revolved around a Taekwondo Black Belt test that I will have in April 2024. It is a whole day which includes a 2 mile run, hundreds of pushups, forms/kata, techniques, and several sparring matches with one and multiple Black Belts and Master Black Belts.

Before working with Aaron, I never ran. I would always joke saying "fatty don't run!". My conditioning was "meh" at best. To say I was nervous about a test 18 months away is an understatement. Today, I can say with absolute confidence, my upcoming test which I literally train for daily, is no longer something I worry about. I'm leaner than I've ever been. I run 50+ miles a week. Competed in my first ever 4 mile race. My conditioned state is the polar opposite of what it was before.

I owe this man a debt of gratitude I could never truly repay. He's helped me obtain a life I've literally only dreamed of. Trust his process, be brutally honest with yourself and him, and you can achieve anything.

With more goals that I want to achieve, I can't imagine another trainer with a greater passion for fitness and health nor someone I trust more than Aaron Plotkin.

Chris R

He's absolutely the best around.

“You've seen my transoformation and so many others by PlotkinTrained. Don't you want to see yours? Get in touch with Aaron. He's absolutely the best around. He will work with you, customize your plan according to your goals, push you passed what you think your limits are and is always available for the best advice.

I have never seen these kinds of results ever and I've been weight training for years. All his little techniques work and they work fast if you're consistant. Get you a personal trainer that walks the walk, talks the talk, and does it with thorough knowledge of not just his goals but yours too."


He will get you there!

“If you're looking for a trainer that cares, pushes you to your limits, and does not let you quit, Aaron is that trainer. If you want to obtain your goals, become a better you, and feel good all around, Aaron will train you hard and to what works for you and your body type. He does not do cookie-cut anything and puts 100% to help you and train what will work for you. This is what has kept me working with Aaron, and I will continue to work with him.

If you want to be a bodybuilder, he will get you therre! If you want to be a powerlifter, he will get you there. If you just want to be healthy for yourself or your family, he WILL be there for you!”


I owe a great deal to Aaron for saving me from myself and turning my life around.

“When I came to Aaron in 2020, I was in dire need of help. I knew I had yet again let my health and physical fitness fall by the wayside, but I was in denial about how bad off things had gotten. Just a year prior I was winning awards as a competitive powerlifter, but that all seemed like a distant memory when I found Aaron. I was overweight, weak, depressed, and in terrible health. Along the way, I also formed a nasty drinking habit. I knew I needed someone who would be willing to go beyond just telling me what exercises to do, no, I needed someone who would be patient and understanding. A person who would not judge me, but would accept that underneath my hard facade was a scared girl who just needed the right person to believe in her. Aaron was and is that person. He took me on as a full time client and led me to the strong, physically fit person I am today. 

At first Aaron helped me lose 40 pounds, but more importantly, he assisted me at regaining my health and well-being. Pulled me up from the brink of Type II Diabetes AND alcoholism, all whilst continuing to push me in the gym to be the best I could be. Never letting me quit when mentally I felt defeated. 

I have been training and following his regimens for two years now and my results physically and mentally are a true testament to his abilities as a trainer, coach, mentor, and friend. I owe a great deal to Aaron for saving me from myself and turning my life around.”

Raylene, 45

Could not have asked for a better coach.

“Worked with Aaron for about 3-4 years, could not have asked for a better coach. Taught me everything I know about discipline and work ethic, while also being a great friend.

Get this man as a coach asap!"

Alex D

Take the first step towards reaching your goals!

“As an individual with a long history of weight struggles, including self-esteem, joining a gym and finding a personal trainer was a terrifying endeavor to undertake this year. Aaron Plotkin has helped Prepare me by setting realistic & individual goals. He actively Listens to his clients, and with collaborative hard work, we achieve Observable results. He Tailors training to the individual. Questions are encouraged, and his Knowledge is evident. He will not hesitate to Invest the time and energy it takes to see Notable changes in your physical, mental, & emotional health.

I recommend everyone get out of their comfort zones and join the PlotkinTrained family -- take the first step towards reaching your goals!"


I didn't think this was even possible.

“I always struggled gaining weight until I met aaron. He made it really enjoyable went above and beyond and helped me get results while also teaching me. I didnt think this was even possible I met him weighing around 160 and we finished I was about 215.

Hes an awesome guy and amazing trainer. I couldnt recommend anyone better than him”

Jared C

“This is NOTHING SHORT FROM STELLAR COACHING/INSTRUCTION! Aaron is an incredible coach! This was my first time recieving legitimate bodybuilding coaching from anybody and going with Aaron was no mistake. Not only is he your coach, but he is your friend and will MAKE SURE that you dont fall short of your goals no matter your circumstances. He is an honest and humble man that had taught me discipline and hard work like no other!!


Austen L

I was to turn 50 in 2023. I didn’t want to go into my 50’s feeling tired, everything hurting, bloated, extra weight that I had struggled with that was so frustrating! I for the most part was eating pretty good. BUT, thyroid issues, hormonal imbalance, peri-menopause….that’ll do it. All those things though were just a part of it. I was discouraged and boy did that have such a hold on me. I was listening to the lies that nothing would work, it’ll be a waste of time, it just goes with getting older, there’s nothing you can do. Honestly I thought I’d never struggle with this. I was a group fitness instructor back in the day, I trained people, motivated them, but I couldn’t do those things for my own self. When my middle son began training with Aaron for a bodybuilding competition I decided “well, I guess I gotta call in the big guns (literally) cause I need accountability and focus”. Aaron worked with me for 6 months. It was the absolute best! HE is the absolute best! SO motivating, real, encouraging, soooo knowledgeable! On bad days he’d get me refocused, on great days he’d celebrate with me. I feel like myself again and even better. I turned 50 in May and feel better today than I have in most of my mid to late 40’s. It’s really hard to put into words (even though this is so long lol) but I am just so grateful. Thank you Aaron, you are so amazing at what you do, you are truly a gift.

Emily M

I’m 67 years old with a rare, hereditary form of late onset muscular dystrophy called OPMD. Western medicine can’t do anything, but regular workouts can (and do) make a big difference if you choose to get through each day with more strength, balance and mobility. Aaron knows what it’s like to train while recovering from injury. If you’re trying to get around an injury or a deficiency and you’re still into working out, he’s been there. He can suggest ways you can modify your workouts if you need to. He’s going to ask you questions, he wants to see how you can move. He wants to see what you can do, but he’s interested in how far you think you can go. It’s going to be one on one, give and take. Your body, your workout.

Will M

“Aaron Plotkin, is an extremely professional and knowledgeable trainer, who truly cares about your fitness and nutrition goals. No matter your fitness level or age. Aaron can help you succeed in meeting your personal goals.” 

Melanie P

“After working with Aaron, I started feeling and seeing an increase in muscle size and strength in a very short time. He is really dialed into the muscle separation I am looking for to create both size and lines of definition. You can watch 1,000’s of how to videos online, but that second pair of eyes tweaking in the body position and range of motion makes a huge difference. Aaron’s knowledge of how to get it done is on point and he leads by example” 

Dan H

I have had the privilege of working with Aaron for almost three years. He is an exceptional professional who goes above and beyond to help his clients achieve their goals. Aaron's dedication, knowledge, and genuine care have not only transformed my physical fitness but also provided unwavering support in all aspects of my life. From the very beginning, he has always made sure that our workouts are effective, safe, and tailored to my specific needs. His ability to motivate and encourage, even on my toughest days, has been truly remarkable. Beyond being a personal trainer, Aaron has become a true friend. He listens attentively, offering guidance and support not only in fitness but also in various areas of life. His belief in my abilities and his unwavering support have helped me overcome obstacles and achieve more than I ever thought possible.

If you are searching for a personal trainer who is not only knowledgeable and professional but also genuinely cares about your well-being, I highly recommend working with Aaron. He is the epitome of excellence and friendship. My life has been positively transformed through his expertise, dedication, and sincere friendship.

Five stars are simply not enough to express the incredible impact Aaron has had on my life.

Jenn M

I had been trying for over a year to meet my goal. I tried numerous things but nothing worked. I did an online nutrition and training program with Aaron and was finally able to meet my goal. He was encouraging and very informative each step of the way. I have a lot of respect for his passion for fitness but even more for his passion for encouraging others to kick butt!

Amanda B

2023 NPC Vermont Championships

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